Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ron Mcninch Returns

*Ron Mcninch is the 1811th FBI recruiter for Guam

He discussed more on Fraud...Anyone interested in working in the Law Enforcement or thinking of the FBI can learn more on Fraud with Ron..

Big parts of Fraud Examination: should be familiar with 4th, 5th, & 6th amendments.

`A major case dealing with Fraud: Former Lt. Governor Villagomez (CNMI), sister & brother in law..

Intro to Public Admin:
Chapter 1--> talks about government economics--> if government wants economic activities to happen, it can make it happen, but if government don't want they can SHUT it down.

Government deals:
subsidies-Government giving out MONEY
loans-student loans
credit programs-switch--> providing financial credits:house loans
~foundation of America-->people owning their houses
Government regulations-->making their own rules EX:OSHA
taxation: major federal case on taxation was McCullough v. Maryland (1819)-"Power to tax involves the power to destroy."
EX: taxation can make smokers stop smoking by increasing the cigarette tax..double the tax..

Monopoly-->single source domination
first formation of monopoly was around 1840-->during the times of telegraph, railroads, steamboats..everyone was make PROFIT..FAST..

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